
salesgirl urges her to try it on for size. Lilli, with that fabulous grin of the successful TV, walks into the designated booth and discovers that the booth has no curtain or door. You just undress and try on the stuff while dozens of women are coming and going right in front of you. But Lilli does not hesitate and actually tries the bikini on. Don't ask me how it can be done, but I guarantee it was done and Lilli walked out with a stupendous bikini which, a week later, was modeled by her for a bunch of Tvs at the resort. Wiping the green color from my face, I asked for one of her 30,000 polaroid. shots, which I am sending to Virginia in case she has space for a picture of Lilli And, did you know that the word "transvestite" in Cantonese Chinese is something that would look like this in our alphabet: NAM BAN NOY JOHNG..... Man dress- ed--female clothes. And, in case you want to say, "I am a transvestite: you should utter something like this: NGO HI (I am) NAM BAN NOY JOHNG. And by the way, in case my statement about 30,000 polaroid shots seems like an exageration, you should have seen Lilli working on that poor camera over the weekend. They say she is the one that keeps the Poloroid Corporation in business.

More gossip! I'm rather desolate. My free morn- ings are gone for good. A change at my place of work caused an important switch in schedules and as a re- sult my twin brother is now stuck with the so-called "management" schedule: 9 to 5 (ugh). Good bye sweet morning sleep...good bye breakfast meetings at 11AM with passing TV's. I am now trapped in the rush

hour of New York. Even my dance rehearsal schedule has had to move to 6PM, a time at which I don't have the pep I should have for physical exercise. The only break is that I can get home much earlier than I ever did before. But I still don't like getting up at the ungodly hour of 8AM. I never did, guess I never will.


A strange thought has just crossed my mind. any of you ever thought of what it would be like if, by some magic formula one could turn into a girl--- with the proviso that the resulting girl should be of